The photography industry is a competitive one. To compete effectively a photographer should use all effective available tools.
Often shadowed by the sexy marketing tools of Facebook, charity drives and SEO, is the simple business card. Effective photography business cards are a key component in photography business marketing strategy.
Here are some tips for making sure your business cards improve your image and help market your services:
* Don’t use cards that are not a standard size. People often use standard sized containers to store cards they receive. If your cards do not fit, they will likely not be saved. If they will not be used to find you.
* Keep your cards consistent with your other marketing material. You are seeking to establish a brand. A brand is established through repeated exposure to a consistent message. By keeping your cards consistent with your other marketing material your brand will be more deeply impressed on the mind of your potential clients.
* Before printing your cards ask people of key client demographics to give you feed back on the impression the card has on them. As a business owner you are sometimes too immersed in your work to get have an objective perspective. Asking your ideal clients their opinion can help you get around this blind spot.
The photography industry is a competitive one. To compete effectively one should utilze all of the most effective marketing tools. Just because business cards are common does not mean they do not merit your attention. Since they represent your work, take the time to make them effective.
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