May 13, 2024


I Fall For Art

How Do New Scuba Divers Get Diving Experience?

The key first step for new scuba divers to improve their diving skills in the underwater environment is: Dive a lot.

No activity settles you into this sport, and increases your aquatic comfort level more than diving experience.

The more you dive, the more experience you get, and the higher your comfort level in the water soars.

One major question on almost every newly certified scuba diver’s mind is: How can I dive more to become an experienced diver?

When I first started diving I was single. I was fortunate enough to enter my open water certification course with a friend, also single at the time, so I had a dive buddy on occasion.

One drawback was each of us enjoyed separate hobbies and activities away from our diving. Those other pursuits limited the coordination of our diving schedules. We weren’t always able to head for the quarry on the same day.

That left me with the need to find ways to meet other divers who I could hook up with in order to get the diving experience I wanted.

These days I’m no longer single, but my lady doesn’t dive. My situation is no different now than when I first certified as far as having a dive buddy who’s schedule for diving agrees with mine.

My quest for more experience in the water led me to a local dive club called Midwest Divers. I worked with a diver who belonged, and he helped me become a member.

This club, formed in 1961, scheduled monthly dives all year long.

Most Januarys they cut a hole in the ice, dropped a rope into the hole (so they could find their way back to the entry/exit point, donned their wetsuits, strapped on their tanks, and jumped in.

I never braved those cold waters of January or February, though I have dove in every other month of the year.

Since joining the Midwest Dive Club I always have a dive buddy available. With diversity in work schedules someone always has the time to head for the quarry for a dive or two.

I can compare schedules with the other members, and call those whose schedules agree with my desired diving days.

Dive clubs provide the perfect source for a new diver who seeks diving experience. There’s always a buddy or two who can get away for the day, and is anxious to get wet.

You can always head out to the quarry, talk to any divers who might be there getting ready for a dive, and ask if they’d mind if you fin along.

I did that at Devil’s Den in Florida once, and luckily for me a family came in (the only other divers there) who graciously allowed me along on their dive.

That sometimes works out, and I wouldn’t expect many divers to turn you down, but you waste your trip if no one else shows up.

If you ache to get your tank wet, and need a diving partner, I recommend you join a local dive club. If you have trouble finding a dive club, check with your local dive shop. The people there probably know about any local clubs, and can give you the contact information for joining.

Not only will you find dive buddies when you join a dive club, you’ll find a lot of diving knowledge among the members.

And they’re always ready and willing to help you improve your scuba diving skills with the tips and tricks they’ve learned by diving.