May 16, 2024


I Fall For Art

Oil Production Software: How Oil Production Software Eliminates Human Error

Chalk it up to the apathetic well tender, lousy oil production software, or overworked admin, however when wells do not produce at their maximum production level, you lose.

According to the Oklahoma Marginal Well Commission, the typical well turns out 2.3 barrels of oil each day. Now, for sake of ease, let us say every well your business has developed is a “marginally producing well”.

Let’s also say that on average, each one of your current well tenders handles roughly 10 wells.

Stick with us…

10 wells, each one making an average 2.3 bbls a day, equates to 690 barrels each month.

A pumper responsible for 10 wells, on average, manages 690 barrels of oil per month.

At $90 oil, that’s $62,100 of revenue… an individual pumper is accountable for $62,100 of sales revenue per month (much more should your wells’ production rates are generally more than that of a marginally producing well).

That’s a lot of money.

Now, most pumpers we have came across tend to be hard-working and do a darn good job. Hats off to all pumpers wherever they may be!

And, pumpers (just like the rest of us) aren’t perfect. These guys have a very difficult job – many of them have to pay a visit to dozens of leases per day. And just like the rest of us, they make mistakes…

Unfortunately, errors cost your organization money.

So what can we do? How do we prevent your pumper from making silly oversights with company oil?

Ladies and gentlemen, the answer to minimizing pumper oversights in the field is an oil & gas application for operators and their pumpers.

“But our guys will not work with computers in the field! They do not wish to change!”

Well, if you explain it’ll lessen their workload, all you will do is conjure up a little skepticism. But, say they will get an iPad out from the deal, and we promise you’ll peak their interest…

You see, apps give you a way to not just enable you to better manage your pumpers, but also let your pumpers to better manage themselves.

Think of an oilfield app as an policy against:

Under production of your wells: an app will get your guys organized, and transforms pumping from an art into a science. (Actually, every gauger has his own heads up display of every well’s production decline curve on his iPad on-site, in the field.) Put simply, an app can make it possible for your guys to shift from “putting out fires”, concentrating instead on preventative maintenance.

Delayed response times: an app will notify your pumper and notifies your office of recent troubles in the field, allowing your workers to prioritize their time and tend to what should be attended to (while ignoring the rest). Read: there is a lot of information coming in from the oil field… you will just be informed of the important things.

Human error: an oil production software app supplies your pumpers as well as your company with structured and prioritized production details from which to take actionable actions to fix any problems that could otherwise go unnoticed (or forgotten!).

Disparity in “pumping experience” amongst your pumpers can be a thing of the past. With the right app, every last one of your pumpers (even these “green” pumpers having barely 1 or 2 years field knowledge), will be capable of making production decisions like a 20-year expert of the oil field.